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Making the New Zealand Map

The map of New Zealand is one of my all time favorites, the North and South islands that shape the country are perfectly framed and the process of creating the map was epic. I’ve made numerous trips to the island nation exploring it in the hands of friends who live there, what a beautiful country!

I made the map as a gift for a Kiwi friend on the South island who routinely leaves cases of the wine he makes “Middle Earth” at my house when he visits. We’ve toured the world together; Cuba, Panama, Bahamas, the American southwest, throughout Europe, Turkey and Russia. When I’m in New Zealand he takes me everywhere from lovely islands in the north to the southland region, even to the remote Chatham Islands far offshore.

I wanted to make a map worthy of the landscape and enlisted the help of another friend from New Zealand who spent his early years on tug boats and barges around the coasts of both islands. An example of his nautical expertise was a suggestion that the Humpback and Blue whales shown on our draft map be reversed based on where he saw them while operating vessels offshore (Blue whales being primarily in the extreme south, Humpbacks slightly further north, who knows that!)

The map further evolved when I visited my wine friend for a wild ride around New Zealand visiting spots I’d missed on earlier trips. We met other Kiwis who made map comments along the way using his truck, ferries, planes and helicopters for access. The result was a beautiful map which hangs on walls across New Zealand and is now on display at the gallery of Island Map Publishing in Naples.

To purchase the New Zealand map visit our site here or call 239-963-3497 for more details! Island Map Publishing is happy to work with you on special orders or assist the right product for your space.

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